mESC-School 21

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International summer school on materials for  energy storage and conversion(mESC-IS School 2021)  is an integral part of  the symposium held with the same name ( International Symposium on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, mESC-IS 2021). 

 The summer school, took place in virtual mode 10-13 September  2021 preceding   the symposium. 

The school  follows the structure of the earlier schools (mESC-School 2015 , mESC-School 2017, and mESC-School 2019 ) and aims to bring  new comers/early researchers with those experienced in the field. The school covers the state-of-the-art reviews in selected topics plus in depth coverage of materials and electrochemical characterization techniques.

Topics covered in the school are listed below. 

Y.Eren Kalay(METU):In Situ Synchrotron Diffraction and Rietveld Analysis
Kahraman Keskinbora
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology): FIB Techniques in Material Characterization
Alexander Karl Opitz (TU Wien): EIS for Solid Oxide Electrolysis/Fuel Cells  Research
Burak Ülgüt  (Bilkent  University): EIS  for Battery Research

Material/Electrochemical Characterization


Selmiye Gürsel Alkan 
( Sabancı University) Fundamentals & Advances in PEM Fuel Cells.
M. Kadri Aydınol
 (METU) Battery research in relation to plant-scale  manufacturing
Babu Chalamala (Sandia National Laboratories): Emerging eT&D  Grids: Energy Storage, Electrification, and Modernization of Electricity Infrastructure
Tugrul Cetinkaya
( Sakarya University) Li-ion batteries- an Overview 
Ducan Paul Fagg 
(University of Aveiro) Protonic Fuel Cells 
Cengiz Özkan
 ( University of California, Riverside) Supercapacitors -An Overview
Saim Özkar (Middle East Technical University) Catalysis, A Brief Overview

Hands-on sessions/case studies  

Y. Eren Kalay
 (METU) Rietveld refinement of XRD/Synchrotron data
Alexander Karl Opitz (TU Wien): Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in SOE/FC Research
Burak Ulgut (Bilkent  University): Electrochemical impendence spectroscopy in  battery  ResearchDüzenle